
Cristina Borges de Freitas

born in lisbon in 1972
2016 – established my own full time studio, carrying out projects with a greater focus on housing – refurbishment, rehabilitation, new projects and construction supervision
2010 – as partner and team coordinating architect she developed projects in the areas of security, equipment, housing, administrative projects in a public services complex in luanda, angola
2009 – date when I set up a studio called “marginal profile” with architect Mota Carvalho and architect Andreia Patrício, with the objective of carrying out architectural studies and technical consultancy in the area of housing and public services, with special emphasis on the area of building restoration
1996-2008 – I have collaborated with several Portuguese architects as part of multidisciplinary teams, targeting all areas of project intervention, with special emphasis on housing, health and safety
1991-1996 – While a student at the universidade lusíada de lisboa, i developed the beginning of my project activity, as a permanent collaborator of the atelier da cidade – arquitecto Mota Carvalho e Miguel da Cunha Pimentel

during these years I developed essentially the theme architecture | prison construction

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